Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Madness

Well hello strangers, haha! I am sitting here wondering why in the world I started this blog. I mean seriously, I had such good intentions when I began this thing over a year ago. But come on, between moving back to Georgia, homeschooling, my new line of children's clothing (yes, I am a glotton for punishment), my bow business and of course life with 3 kids in general, things on the homefront have been a little bit crazy (as my 2 year old likes to say). So here I am pledging again to be more faithful to this blog, let's see if it sticks this time!

I think it time for a game plan. I have a great friend in the Atlanta area, with FOUR kids who keeps the balls in the air all the time and she has a FABULOUS blog. Let me give a shout out to Mrs. Genie Blazi, you should look her up! She is amazing! She has devoted a Thursday to blogging, I mean it probably doesn't take her all day Thursday, but if I wanted my blog to look like that IT WOULD take me all day. So, hats off to her and her awesomeness, and back to my gameplan. Thursdays would be great, but Genie has that day, so I am thinking something a little different. I am thinking every other Monday...... how's that sound???? I think the title will be Monday Madness.

Mondays..... you know the day after Sunday. The day my kids are asking me, mom do we really have THAT much school work? The day the house looks like a tornado actually hit the laundry room. The day that the toys are really going to find their proper location, NOT the middle of the hallway! The day I plan a menu for the following two weeks, which will probably take me longer than writing this blog!! Yes, Monday! Why not get all of the tedious details of life over in one day? That is my game plan!

So now that we have a game plan, I guess it is time to blog about my wonderful life and family! Well today has been a little chaotic (I did say this was a Monday blog). We got home about 10 last night from our FINAL drive from Waycross to Starke on a Sunday night (can I get a Whoop Whoop)! So this week is packing, packing and more packing. We move on Friday and I cannot be more excited than I am right now about it. God has been so gracious to us.

Ellie Kay is taking a nap, the boys are on a short break from school work and I have already gotten almost all of the kids things packed this morning. It's been a very productive day! Jarrod is studying at his office away from office (also known as Davis trucking), although I don't know why he can't stay here and study! It's so quiet ( I hope you feel my humor). So now, all I have left to do is cook, make about 30 bows between now and Friday and finish two Christmas dresses for Mary's store. Oh yeah, and move...... I am feeling the need for a brown bag.

I know I have shared this before, if not on this blog I have on facebook, but I am so thankful for church family. These past few months have been a little bit nutty with all of the commuting, but our church has been so gracious.... especially with the pounding:)!! I mean from the RV that was lent to us, to the house, to the pounding, we just feel really fortunate. Thank you Deenwood for loving us like you have. You know life isn't easy and I don't think it's supposed to be either. I mean this isn't heaven, so why do we act like it should be? Things happen, and more than not, not the way we would have planned. But this one thing I know, church family makes all the difference. God has given us such a gift when he gave us the local church. We are drawn together by the gospel and we love each other through it all! We love you Deenwood, thanks for loving us! We look forward to serving along side of you to share with others the miracle of the gospel and the power Christ has to change lifes.